Peoples ROI by cMoney

Diversified Investment Assets

    • CapitalizedmOney Asset (FX)
    • CapitalizedmOney Asset (Gold/Silver/Platinum/Oil)
    • CapitalizedmOney Asset (Stocks)
    • CapitalizedmOney Asset (Startup 3Y)

(ROI): 2.08% per month – 3.08% per month

That’s a grand Total of 24.96% – 36.96% per year

*All Halal Investment

cMoney Base
All investments are regulated by your manager
2.08% per month
Monthly Dividend Distribution
90% Loss Protection in the event of market downturns (e.g., 2008, 2020)
cMoney 101
All investments are regulated by your manager
2.48% per month
Monthly Dividend Distribution
90% Loss Protection in the event of market downturns (e.g., 2008, 2020)
cMoney 111
All investments are regulated by your manager
2.91% per month
Bi-Weekly Dividend Distribution
90% Loss Protection in the event of market downturns (e.g., 2008, 2020)
cMoney Growth
All investments are regulated by your manager
3.08% per month
Bi-Weekly Dividend Distribution
90% Loss Protection in the event of market downturns (e.g., 2008, 2020)
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